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In the endeavor to triumph throughout #SavageSkirmish, Jin-woo garnered more prominent capabilities and procured both Mo-Ri Jin’s renewal taekwondo and Han Dae-Wi’s Kyokushin karate. Though Jin-woo was not triumphant, the rapport he obtained more than made up for it.


Alongside Jin Mo-Ri, Jin-woo assembled the multiversal congregation of Heroes denominated #UNIVERSE after the infamous decimation of Tokyo Japan during #FORAGERSGAME. Over time, the congregation migrated into his Fortress, located in one of the Bamboo Forests of Tokyo, Japan.


Though he’d been incarcerated for most of the incident that happened in Kyoto, Japan, Jin-woo returned with retribution, battling through many vicious characters to find himself (alongside six others ) confronting the Goddess Eris.

During #UNIVERSE’s venture to Okinawa Beach, Jin-woo, was influenced by Satoru Gojo to purchase a resort. (Unintentionally, Sung Jin-woo acquired possession over the Marriott Hotels.)Upon venturing to the Garden of Eden, #UNIVERSE found themselves clashing with #RUINATION in a race to obtain Athena’s Dagger. In the adventure, Jinwoo battled and killed Toji Fushigoro, later transforming him into his shadow Greed.With the amplification abilities of Eve, Jinwoo gained a boost in all of his physical and magical attributes which he later utilized to battle Sauron, garnering Athena’s Dagger despite having lost the fight.In his battle with Sauron, Jinwoo procured many buffs, but none greater than Athena’s Dagger which amplified his attack potency tenfold.



After learning of King Minos, the forgotten sovereign trapped within a shell of his own body, Jin-woo gathered the forces of #Universe to invade the Lust Layer of Hell in an endeavor to liberate the fallen king and recruit him. However, their plans turn sideways when #OBSIDIAN makes their debut. Jin-woo failed to liberate Minos as Sephiroth captured the king.


Jin-woo awoke in Egypt forced to fight and kill allies and enemies to survive. However, the sovereign neglected his duties as a hero to pursue an act of revenge against Sephiroth. He learned to accept failure and move on from his wrath. Thus, electing to battle against Sekhmet and defeat her once and for all.


The end of the world commenced, forcing heroes across the Multiverse to act against the destruction caused by #OBSIDIAN. However, the heroes failed to stop eschaton, leading to the deaths of billions. Jin-woo fell among the deceased, or so he thought.BIRTHPLACE Storyline: Aftermath of #ESCHATON.After failing to defeat Maitreya and nearly dying, Sung Jin-woo awoke inside the realm between worlds. There he came across Gautama Buddha who thought him how to use his 𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗩𝗢𝗬𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘. ( He learned this during the events of #SEIZETHEKING )

When trying to master clairvoyance, Jin-woo was summoned to the Void to be met with the SHADE LORD! There Sung Jin-woo was offered the power of primordial darkness and he accepted becoming the vessel for the Darkness that shall not be named. Along with the Shade Lord’s power, Jin-woo was sent on a mission to Unify the Shade Lord with his brothers, becoming a vessel to each concept of darkness: Void, Forest, Ocean, Cosmic, and Caves.


Upon becoming one with the Shade Lord, Jin-woo joined the battlefield to finally put an end to Maitreya’s two-year reign. Rather than battle the source, Jin-woo opted to destroy two of the main forces: Kagutsuchi and Satan. In his battle against Kagutsuchi, Jin-woo managed to defeat the Shinto God and avenge many fallen comrades. Not only that, but Jin-woo also gained the heart of Izanagi, granting him the powers of Kagutsuchi. Right after, Sung Jin-woo obtained a new Servant: Mary, before being trapped inside Minos by Sephiroth.

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Awakened Human:Hunters, even at the lowest rank are still a lot stronger compared to normal humans. They can heal significantly faster compared to normal humans.
Heightened Senses:Even before Reawakening, Jin-Woo has had a higher sense of hearing. After being Reawakened, he can increase his perception stat (sense stat) to the point where he can discern where a dungeon boss would be just by entering the dungeon itself.
Increased Endurance:Because Jin-Woo can change his stats, he was able to increase his defense and stamina with it.
Level Up:Due to his player status, Jin-Woo can increase his stats like a video game.
Summoning:Jin-Woo can create summons out of the dead (demons excluded). He is also able to place his summons in any shadow. He mainly keeps most of his army within his own shadow.
System Shop:Due to his player status, Jin-Woo has access to a shop that is similar to that of an online game. Within the shop, he can purchase weapons, armor, and support items, removing the need for support or healer when raiding.
Unlimited Inventory:With the help of the "system", Jin-Woo can store any items he wants in an inventory, eliminating any unneeded weight when raiding dungeons.
Gates:Because of his status as a monarch, Jin-woo can open “Gates,” which are magical portals that connect to any dimension or location that Jin-woo wishes to attend.
Analytical Prediction:Through "things like pre-movement, the eyes, breathing, muscles twitching, the direction of magic energy, etc.” Sung Jinwoo can predict his opponent's movements.


Quicksilver:Movement speed will increase by 100%.
MutilateDealing critical damage if you attack a foe's vital areas.
Stealth:All traces of you will be hidden instantly.
Dominator's Touch:You can control objects without touching them.
Dagger Throw:Deal damage by throwing your dagger. As the skill's level increases, damage and accuracy will increase.
Bloodlust:Exerting potent energy, the selected target is put in a state of fear for 1 minute. Several targets can be selected. Effect 'fear': All stats -50%
Renewal Taekwondo:A type of martial art developed in modern South Korea. It is emphasized in strong, linear kicks.
Perseverance:As his health is below 30%, [Perseverance] will activate. Damage taken is reduced by 50%.
Kyokushin Karate:A type of martial art developed in modern South Korea. It is emphasized in strong, powerful punches like its base Karate. Some skills are directly linked with Karate.
Will to Rehabilitate:Any dismembered body parts are restored. (Healing ability).
Longevity:Permanent effect. All diseases, poisons, and status effects are healed, and sleeping will explosively increase regeneration ability.
Advanced Dagger Arts:Because he used daggers for an extended period he can now use daggers more proficiently. When a dagger is used, the attack with it gains 33% additional damage.
Rasaka's Steel Scales:Rasaka's Venom will harden the skin and reduce all physical damage by 20%.
Shadow Extraction:A shadow soldier is created from a body without life by taking out its mana. The chance of failure increases the higher the target's stats are, and the more time passed since the target's death. Shadows able to be extracted: Unlimited
Save Shadow:Jin-Woo absorbs the created shadow soldiers and saves them. Saved soldiers can be summoned and reabsorbed whenever and wherever the animator desires. Saved shadows: UNKNOWN

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Kasaka's Venom Fang:A dagger made from Kasaka's Venom Fang. Has two effects: Paralyze and Bleed.Rarity: C-Rank Type: Dagger Attack +25
Knight Killer:A dagger designed to fight against armored enemies. Deals an extra +25% damage against armored opponents.Rarity: B-Rank Type: Dagger Price: 2800000 Gold Attack +75
Baruka's Dagger:A dagger once used by the elf warlord Baruka.Rarity: A-Rank Type: Dagger Attack +110 Agility +10
Demon King's Daggers:A pair of daggers once used by the Demon King Baran. Has a second effect called Two as One, which grants bonus attack power to each dagger based on the user's strength stat.Rarity: S-Rank Type: Dagger Attack +220
Demon King's Longsword:A longsword once used by Baran. Has a second effect called Storm of White Flames, which summons a small lightning storm within a certain area.Rarity: S-Rank Type: Longsword Attack +350
Kamish's Wrath:A pair of daggers forged from the fang of the dragon Kamish. They are mana-sensitive, meaning that their power aligns with their user's strength stat, and also allow their user to alter their weight however they please.Rarity: ?? Type: Dagger Attack +1500

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After his Reawakening, Sung Jin-Woo became a Player and can grow stronger by leveling up and distributing status points to his various stats since the "System" assists in his growth. He later acquired the powers of Ashborn the original Shadow Monarch becoming an existence to be considered the Greatest Fragment of Brilliant Light, comparable to the Absolute Being.

Reanimation:Can reanimate souls from dead bodies, and store them. The number of souls that he can store and reanimate depends on the level of his intelligence. The chances of being able to reanimate a body depend on the time gap between reanimating and the death of an individual and the gap between his strength and the individual he is trying to reanimate. He can only attempt to reanimate the body only 3 times. As long as he has mana, his shadow is immortal they can regenerate endlessly.
Shadow Exchange:Can switch positions with any previously summoned shadow. It does not appear to have a distance limit. It's later revealed to be instant teleportation.
Ruler's Authority:A form of telekinesis with his hands. It is later revealed that it's actually being able to freely control mana.
Domain of the Monarch:Shadows within the area of influence gained enhance stats. It also replaces the colors of above Knight Grade Shadows from Blue-Black to Purple-Black.
Limited Size Manipulation:Gathering the shadow sovereign’s mana unto his person, Jinwoo can manipulate his size. However, doing so consumes a lot of his mana; the longer he uses it the more energy he loses.
Regeneration Negation:Low-Mid: Jinwoo’s attacks cause "magic energy damage" that couldn't be healed and would take weeks to months to heal with the help of top healers, who can regenerate lost limbs, stab wounds, broken spines, and potentially any not instantly lethal damage.
Incorporeality:Monarchs lack a physical body and possess a spiritual body.
Immortality:When Jin-Woo became the Shadow Monarch, he became the master of death. He transcended time and reality in becoming an axis of the universe. He became free of mortal limitations and became an eternal being, that is, immortal.
Limited Age Manipulation:Jinwoo can grow older or instead younger.
Sound Manipulation:Jinwoo can amplify his voice to many degrees.
Pocket Reality Manipulation:Originally the system created a dungeon containing 100 city-sized pocket realities by using the powers of the Shadow Monarch. After becoming the true shadow monarch Sung Jin-Woo adapted all of his abilities.
Creation:Jinwoo can freely create the items that were available in the store and inanimate objects such as clothing, daggers, armor, etc.
Spatial Manipulation:Jinwoo can open and close gates as he wishes.
Existence Erasure:All Monarchs are able to completely erase an individual’s existence, even Jinwoo’s Shadow Soldiers who are undead can regenerate even if they are fully destroyed.
Realm of Eternal Rest:As the Shadow Monarch and Sovereign of the dead, Jin-woo can access the realm of Eternal rest as his personal domain and transport others to Eternal Rest. Within the realm of Eternal Rest, Sung Jin-woo is omnipotent.
Mental Manipulation:Jin-woo can manipulate the mind, the mechanism of proceeding information, and the set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it. (He mainly uses it to share memories with others.)
Power Bestowal:Jin-woo can give his powers to others, either permanently or temporarily. (He can also remove powers as well. Illustrated through Igris who was bestowed "Dominator's Touch" by Ashborn but was later removed. This method is also how Jin-woo gained Ashborn's powers.)
System:A magical program that Jin-woo can manipulate and bestow onto others. (Seen at the end of the Light Novel when Jin-woo bestowed some of his powers to his son utilizing the system.)

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When trying to master clairvoyance, Jin-woo was summoned to the Void to be met with the SHADE LORD! There Sung Jin-woo was offered the power of primordial darkness and he accepted becoming the vessel for the Darkness that shall not be named. Along with the Shade Lord’s power, Jin-woo was sent on a mission to Unify the Shade Lord with his brothers, becoming a vessel to each concept of darkness: Void, Forest, Ocean, Cosmic, and Caves.The Shade Lord is Magnum Innominandum, a Lovecraftian Outer God that lives beyond concepts and layers above many other conceptualizations of Darkness. With this entity living within Sung Jin-woo, the Shadow Sovereign has evolved to become the Sovereign of Shade; The Unifier of Darkness.

Primordial Darkness Manipulation:The primal darkness that has existed before creation, and represents the darker aspect of primal creation alongside the Light, both being two halves of the same coin, yet stand opposite. Due to its primordial nature, it goes beyond concepts of good, evil, and even neutrality. Similar to other primordial elements, the raw potency and primeval nature of this power enable Jin-woo to easily overpower immunities & resistances to dark-based abilities.
Absolute Darkness:Jin-woo can create a field of absolute impenetrable darkness that completely negates sight and also dulls or even completely negate the other senses. He can generate darkness so intense it can completely obliterate objects in its path.
Conceptual Darkness Manipulation:can manipulate the abstracts (or concept) of darkness. This can have many feats, such as darkness that can prevent light from existing, darkness that makes things more visible rather than less, produce darkness/shadows that can exist without light, harm things that can absorb or are immune to darkness, produce shadows/darkness that can consume or negate other forms darkness/night/shadows, and much more.
Cosmic Manipulation:Jin-woo can create, shape, absorb and manipulate cosmic forces and energies to produce nearly any effect he desires, including the manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, the manipulation of the space-time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortexes, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness. Jin-woo can summon or manipulate comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, galaxies, antimatter, and dark matter. They can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms, and invoke meteor showers. They can also empower themselves and others by harnessing the power of the cosmos. This power can also be used for combat purposes.
Black Hole Manipulation:Jin-woo can create, shape, and manipulate black holes, a region of space-time where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping. Jin-woo can control the size of a black hole, and move it around in space to "suck up" everything in its path. Black holes can allow Time Travel to the future: their immense gravity slows time (this effect increases with proximity). A few minutes or hours may pass for the user near the event horizon, and when they leave, they may find it's hundreds of years in the future.
Dark Divinity:Because of Kagutsuchi, Jin-woo possesses a dark form of Divinity, which bestows him divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane; however, the divine source is darker in nature while still being considered a "holy" being.
Dark Energy Manipulation:Jin-woo can create, shape, and manipulate dark energy, drawing from the Shade Lord. It can be channeled to a variety of effects as an absence of light, a solid, gaseous, and/or liquid substance that can be shaped/manifested in various ways. Unlike Darkness Manipulation, which draws from a similar source, dark energy focuses on direct, destructive, and violently outward-directed aspects of the spectrum.
Darkside View:Jin-woo can force a target to face their inner evil, either in a mental struggle or bring the victim's dark side into the world as a physical being. When darkness is faced, it's arguably more powerful than the good half of being. They're basically a physical manifestation of the being's past wrongdoing, or current doing. They know the being as they know themselves, and that's a frightening thought. Victims are either corrupted, driven insane, or outright killed by the sensation of this ability.
Light Absorption:Jin-woo can absorb visible light or its partial wavelengths, while removing it from the source, into his body and using it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing himself, gaining the drained power, using it as a power source, etc. (temporarily)
Meta Immunity Bypassing:The ability to bypass any and all immunities of any type/level.
Primordial Reality Manipulation:Jin-woo can create, shape, and manipulate the primordial reality, the reality before reality or before the concept of reality. This allows him to control the original reality and blueprint/template/drawing board for what reality would become after the creation of existence, including the principles, concepts, laws, and forces that would later come to define existence.

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